Shipping beats talking, always.

There’s a Notes folder on my phone called “Other Business Ideas”, which is a collection of random ideas that are sure to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams. Each has an accompanying brand name and strapline, but that’s about it.

In the last three weeks I’ve met, and have started working with, different start-ups who have actually made two of the ideas in “Other Business Ideas” a reality and are on their way to making millions. Whilst this is a bit annoying (It Could Have Been Me…), I also find it reassuring.

It reassures me, and reminds me, that it is more important to ship work, i.e. make the idea a reality and get it out the door, than talk about work. Ideas that exist only in portfolios, PR competitions, dormant client plans or as Notes on a phone, aren’t good ideas. They are, at best, irrelevant ideas.

A good idea is only a good idea if it happens in the real world.


Relaunching Victorian ‘Moustache Cups’ (cups that were designed to stop liquid soaking your ‘tache/beard), has sat in my “Other Business Ideas” folder for three years. I was going to post it so someone could hopefully make it a reality, but in searching for the image, I found a link on Firebox that suggests one was released late last year! It does, at least, reinforce my point that if you’re going to spend effort thinking about it, follow through and ship it.

Author: Dan Glover

creative director & co-founder of The Academy. Previously ECD of Mischief PR and Engine Group. @danielwglover

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